Eerik Potter
Türi (Estonia)
My mission varies depending on time, but overall I could say it is to increase theconsciousness of humanity and harmonize our planet spaceship.
The concept of LCE and the underlying integral (city) approach resonates with me. I have a saying, that “global harmony is local harmony” so to me, it is unavoidable to embody both dimensions. I am bootstrapping a local non-profit organization “Biorich Türi” in my small garden-city home and would like to connect it to the global/ planetary layer.
Broadly, I contribute to various projects of mine (mentioned later). But inside the LCE, Ifeel I would bring a unique truly integral/ open view to everything. I would gladly present atconferences or help with brainstorming.
My superpower is integral wizard - a universally integral mind that I have unlocked within myself. That is, I am free, truly free, and that gives me unlimited power and clarity. I have also reprogrammed myself to be love-based from the ground up (check out my projects)
I love the game of Life, and thus all sorts of roles. But my essential role is Unifier. I connectwholes, to the extent of an open base layer on top/ underneath all detailed/ relativeapproaches
I live in Estonia (1.3M), Türi (5k). I was born and raised in the capital, Tallinn, but movedaway as I needed to be (in) nature to balance my doings.
My on-going projects, achievements and links: - I channel the Integral Wizard archetype and have created the - co-founder (with my wife). Created a comprehensive novel (Biorich Türi) - a local non-profit organization to enrich and heal the
We are also building our own paradise garden right in the middle of Türi, to fully explore and embrace the wonders of Natural collaboration.