Jody Jacob-McVey
New York (USA)
I am the founder and CEO of EquiSense Solutions (ESS) LLC – a small shop with big impact and whose power is in its partnerships.
My mission in life is constantly evolving, yet even so, I have three (3) key initiatives that I am committed to:
Elevating individuals, smashing stereotypes, and building the capacities for empathy, curiosity, and visioning.
Modelling and spreading acceptance, appreciation, and kindness, and
Co-creating and delivering opportunities to increase our self-awareness and to understand/recognize our impact on Other(s).
I am interested in partnering with organizations where my values, purpose and mission align - I believe that LCE does this.
One of my beliefs is that we humans are losing our connection to the natural world, and the impact is that we are missing out on an important source of extraordinary wisdom. This is a foundational belief that drives me personally and informs ESS collaborations, client relationships, and our direct work.
My company develops and delivers experiential living, leader development and coaching opportunities for youth through C-Suite. Our work is delivered in person, by phone/virtual or in the pasture. Yes, one of our favorite ways to connect clients with nature’s wisdom is to partner with horses, especially for our urban community neighbors.
I like the ease of LCE – it seems in my limited contact with Founders – there is a flow that can withstand circumstances that might hijack good intentions, and there seem to be those who can hold the space for learning, open discussion, and dare I say disagreement. I love the diversity of the communities the current Founders have, and my desire would be to encourage even more representation from around the world.
My contributions to the LCE mission will vary from project to project as I have a broad range of interests and skill sets. I have worked in large corporations through growth and volatile times. And I’ve navigated my small business through a global pandemic. I was blessed with an opportunity to leave the large corporate world where we had a huge impact, to build my own company, and co-create work that still has big impact in the world, but perhaps in kinder, gentler, and perhaps more organic ways.
My superpowers are curiosity, systems awareness, positivity, and my ongoing awareness that sometimes I will fail. I love to pull systems apart and look at their parts and I like to be boots on the ground. I love to be a disrupter, meaning I love to ask questions that stretch, and create pauses to investigate and test the norms. I’m not afraid to ask the hard or seemingly simple questions when I sense consensus is setting in.