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Anton Sobe-Panek

Houston (USA)

EPAM (global IT company with 60.000 employees), Head of energy sustainability; SDG+ Club, Founder & leader.

Interests: Sustainability.

Achievements: $1bln ESG AUM, $0,5bln - sustainable products annual sales, $100mln - SDG-Tech VC fund, 50mln MAU of digital sustainability services - all those converting to the SDGs' achievement. Aspirations: Increase the metrics mentioned above 10x by 2030, UN approves SDG+ in 2030.

My Big Dream for humanity - kind of a "StarTrek" world: n o countries / all are the citizens of Earth. All the basic needs are covered universally (unconditionally / free). Life-expectancy and abilities of people extended dramatically. All people are focused on unraveling the mysteries of the Universe, including the sentient life.

The possibility to reach mentioned above aspirations together with the most prominent leaders of the world - that’s what inspires me to join Living Cities Earth.

I am happy to contribute my energy to realize better future for humanity and all life on Earth, providing sustainable services to governments, business and people worldwide, including sharing knowledge, my global network and active participation in LCE projects.

Anton Sobe-Panek
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