Christiane Seuhs-Schoeller
Vienna (Austria)
My mission in life – I would call it my soul purpose as it has revealed itself to me so far – is the unification of love and power. I live this purpose to the best of my abilities in every aspect of my life. The manifestation is always guided by the question: What becomes possible when we act from unified love and power in service to purpose and the more than human world?
Self-organization for me holds one of the biggest potentials to explore this question, because when we humans collectively strive to be in service of a purpose or mission, we naturally organize. It is a deep belief of mine, that self-organization (aka. mirroring the evolutionary organizing principles of nature) can bring the way we organize our endeavors in alignment and resonance with the greater whole.
This brings me to the reason why I would like to join LCE: If I have understood what I know so far, LCE is deeply rooted in the principles of interconnectedness and interdependence of everything. This systemic approach is – in my perspective – inseparable from an understanding of self-organization. When we talk about self-organizing our human endeavors, it (ideally) stands for an intention to align what we do with nature and its systemic, evolutionary dynamics. Thus, the way we humans organize can become interconnected and interdependent nodes (parts/sub-systems) of the greater whole, and as such be in service to it all.
Currently I am co-founder of and partner in 3 different organizations:, PowerShift Journeys and Entheowork. Most of my roles are around spreading the word, program design and facilitation. Plus, I have my own individual offerings of Self-Organization Mentorship and Language of Spaces, plus am offering my JournaLogue Practice that I describe in my book … and those are only the bigger projects. Nonetheless, I feel drawn to LCE without really knowing how I can contribute. Sharing as much as I can about LCE on social media is one way. Sharing my knowhow in self-organization can be another (would love that!!), share what I wrote about in my book about the unification of love and power (would love that even more!!!) and participate in online events as much as I can. I need to say that, and I’m sure I’m not alone with this, I have to be careful with committing my personal energy, as I have a lot on my plate already.
My superpowers are networking and detecting opportunities (I once even had an organizational role called “Opportunity Sniffer”). My key competencies are holding space for emergence and facilitating processes for individuals who yearn to step out of the status quo but are still searching for their pathways to do so. And – of course – self-organization, and here specifically the often very challenging personal journey of the mind shift it triggers and requires.
Regarding roles that I love playing … I am currently learning to step into my authentic power of an elder. When I am invited into that role (which happens in the context where my specific experience is invited), and communicate and share from it, my whole being relaxes while at the same time feels strong and powerful, and my heart is filled with love and joy. I have never shared this before but dare to do that here: In that state I feel like a Priestess bearing gifts and offerings, trusting that what is needed will be received, and what is not needed can gladly remain with me, maybe for another time.
What has emerged into the foreground for me after I published my book, and followed by a life changing Ayahuasca Ceremony, is the yearning to engage around the healing of feminine and masculine energies. I am holding this insight, and joyfully experiencing how I encounter this topic almost everywhere, where I have meaningful encounters and connections. Something is percolating – I just don’t yet quite know how it will manifest through what is mine to do.
I really consider myself a global nomad and therefore don’t know if I can honestly represent a country and/or city, but I also don’t know what that would mean in this context. By birth I am Austrian and was raised in Vienna.