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Joseph Rathinam

Chennai (India)

Mission in life

Creating a better and peaceful world through Neighborocracy, SONEC, UCAN and Heartificial Intelligence.

What makes you want to join LCE?

The objective of LCE is the same as Neighborocracy

How you might contribute to our mission (making 8 billion people, 10.000 cities and our blue planet fully alive)?

I can contribute to LCE with my 30 years of experiences and expertise in training, giving guidance to create community governance

What are your superpowers / key competencies?

Compassion, training and organising communities

What roles do you love playing?

Mentor and guide

Country and city you represent

Chennai, India

Personal and professional interests, achievements and any other facts you want to share

I have trained more than 6000 thousand NGOs and approximately 90000 field workers. I been instrumental in establishing more than one hundred thousand Children's Parliaments, Youth Parliaments and Adult Parliaments. I have mentored the SONEC group in Europe to study and to release an Implementation Strategy Book which has distributed bites to 2700 organisations and municipalities all over EU and UK. I am also one of the Directors of SONEC WISE, UK.

Any links to your projects or articles you would like to share

I have authored an unedited a book “Neighborocracy” which can be shared if required.

Joseph Rathinam
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