Marilyn Hamilton
Findhorn (UK)
Founder of Integral City Meshworks Inc. and author of Integral City Book Series.
Challenges like climate, water, energy, food, culture and finance can be solved and co-designed as we “human” well from living the Master Code of Care (for self, others, place(s), planet), contexting within 12 intelligences and 5 Integral Maps that integrate I/WE/WORLD behaviours, thoughts, relationships, organizations and spirituality.
Her meshworking, appreciative inquiry and action research methodologies build capacity for individuals, groups, organizations and communities to inquire, act and impact city wellbeing.
Hamilton develops communities of collaborative practice and train whole- system teams of 4 Voices - citizens, civic managers, business/innovators and 3rd sector - so they reframe complex challenges for their cities and bioregions.
She has developed training programs for Findhorn College and Ubiquity University’s Master Regenerative Action with students in 70 cities around the world. Humanity Rising Programs have livestreamed to thousands more.