Michael McKenna
New York (USA)
What's your mission in life?
I have been and remain passionate about the centrality of education, creative expression, and cultural exchange to human flourishing.
While the specifics have evolved through time, three things have underlaid all my endeavors: (1) seeking to understand how reality is constructed on its various levels -- physical, individual, social, historical, philosophical, cosmological, spiritual; (2) creating positive, mutually rewarding, and durable relationships; and (3) leaving each place I enter a little better than when I arrived.
What makes you want to join LCE?
LCE’s scale, ambition, and holistic mission deeply resonate. I could not pass up the invitation to work alongside and learn from a diverse international community of experts and leaders dedicated to improving the planet. The time is now!
How might you contribute to our mission (making 8 billion people, 10.000 cities and our blue planet fully alive?
My mix of academic, non-profit, and corporate experiences and networks should be helpful in bringing LCE’s ideas to life on the ground.
What are your superpowers / key competencies?
Working systematically, collaboratively, and calmly in challenging circumstances. Helping teams to see, understand, and evaluate trade-offs. Remaining open to new signals in the noise. Connecting people who might not otherwise connect.
What roles do you love playing?
Synthesizer, integrator, communicator, actuator. Bringing ideas, systems, and people together to get results.
Country and city you represent?
New York, United States
Organization(s) you represent and your role there?
Currently Vice President of Procurement, Engineering & Real Estate at a community-based oncology care network. We provide integrated cancer care to more than 450,000 patients annually at 350+ clinics in the United States, Australia, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
Personal and professional interests, achievements and any other facts you want to share?
Married 28 years, 2 children. Avid photographer, cyclist, hiker, weightlifter; occasional tennis player; former runner and rower. Degrees in philosophy, sociology, and finance. Lived 2 years each in Dhaka and New Delhi. Worked in academic, NGO, and corporate institutions across more than a dozen countries over 30+ years.