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Nathaniel Whitestone


My name is Nathaniel Whitestone. My life purpose is to support the global transition from toxic power to a world where healthy ways of being powerful together are the norm. I want to join LCE because I've been invited by my friend and colleague Ferial, and I see LCE as a potential container for the global process of transformation to which I've devoted my life.

My preferred role would be as an expert advocate and guide for:

Healthy Power (where power for one = power + wellbeing for all)

Locally-led Holistic Community Development as a path to healthy power

Sociocracy, cooperative ownership models, and the Sociocratic Neighbourhood Circle model as ways to deliver locally-led HCD

I'm particularly good at synthesis and seeing the big picture. I'm a skillful storyteller, coach, facilitator, trainer, and consultant. I've developed a model of integrative learning in living systems (the Four Powers of Integrity model) which provides a map to effective transformation for individuals, partners, teams, organisations, and communities; I can teach that model to others as a way to bring together and move between any effective set of transformative practices. I'm good at launching groups / movements at the far leading edge of what is possible.

I love playing mentor and sage, pathbreaker, and avid co-discoverer of truths that change us.

I don't represent any city or country, though I would love to be elected by people in my area to such a role. I live in East Sussex, a county in the SE of England.

I represent A Fairer Society (my small sociocratic worker co-op, where I'm a co-founder), Governance Alive (where I'm a principal consultant), SONEC WISE CIC (where I'm a cofounder and director), CTRL Shift (where I'm a Steering Circle member and organiser of the communities Circle of Practice), SONEC Europe, where I'm a cofounder and coauthor of the SONEC handbook, and the Provisional World Children's Parliament, where I'm an adult support-person.

I'm a cofounder of the Ecovillage Network of the Americas (now grown to GENNA and CASA); I brought Sociocracy to the UK in 2007 and co-founded multiple organisations, including the world's first sociocratic worker cooperative.

Nathaniel Whitestone
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