Wendy Ellyatt
Cheltenham (UK)
Wendy is a social entrepreneur and futurist who is passionate about protecting the natural world and unlocking the potential in people and projects. Her studies have taken her from being a specialist in the foundational importance of early human development, to examining indigenous perspectives, natural systems dynamics, our understanding of the word 'wisdom' and the importance of family and community life for the creation of sustainable societies and cultures of lifelong learning.
She is the founder of The Flourish Project, which is a new global initiative exploring our understanding of human flourishing and the integrated nature of wellbeing across systems. She sits on the Global Council of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll), chairs the UK Spirituality in Education Alliance (SIEUK) and is currently developing the Harvard Human Flourishing Program Network’s ‘Sacred Ecologies’ Special Interest Group. She is a member of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Thought Leaders Circle and the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) Catalyst Group and is a co-author of the Unitive Narrative. In the UK she is the founder of the Save Childhood Movement , National Children's Day UK and Futuregens, and she is a long-term fellow of the RSA. In 2016 she was honoured as one of the Brahma Kumaris ‘One Hundred Women of Spirit’.
She currently acts as an advisor to a number of futurist cultural transformation initiatives, including those exploring the transformation of education systems and the positive use of digital technology/AI.